Live! An Epson Unboxing

I am planning an unboxing for my new Epson 595WI on Sunday, March 28 at 2:00pm over on the YouTube Channel! (Click that link or the video below to have YouTube remind you when the video is live!)

I have a lot of things to cover:

  • The actual unboxing

  • Going over all the goodies contained

  • Pete Norris, who sent me the box

  • Why I now have 3, yes THREE, projectors

  • Updates on where the channel is now

  • What I have planned for the channel in the next few months

  • Some quick thoughts about calibration, to be explained more in a future video

  • Info about the official website launch (yes, this website right here, you’re ahead of the curve if you’re here already!) coming soon

  • A little life update-house, moving, other ventures, etc.

And, here’s where you come in, and the part I’m really hoping comes together

  • Hopefully some Q&A about USTs, projectors in general, and all that kind of stuff as we make it a two way conversation!

Sad box…just sitting there...waiting to be opened…

Sad box…just sitting there...waiting to be opened…

The box came yesterday, Wednesday, and it’s just sitting there, sadly, waiting for me to open it. And I have somehow punished myself by making myself wait until Sunday to open it!

I have plenty to keep busy with in the meantime, however. Even though the live on Sunday will be video 3 for this month…well, 2 because the first got bumped to February…I do need to get some recording done during naptime Friday for some of next month’s videos, as well as some work on another couple projects. And, you know, 3 kids, a husband, a house, laundry….that all still exists.

Anyways…it’s late and I’m basically just rambling instead of going to bed. If you have made it to the end here, you are a serious trooper.

See y’all Sunday!


PDF Stitcher Part III:


Unraveling the Knoxville Top