My New Cutting Table & UST Mount (And How To Get One For Yourself!)
If you’ve been around for awhile, you’ve heard me talk about my husband, Robert Dailey of Dailey Woodworks. His business is building custom furniture. And, occasionally, he makes stuff for me, too.
About 10 years ago, before he was woodworking professionally, I asked for a cutting table for Christmas. At the time, I had just begun to really get into sewing. I wanted to learn to draft patterns, not to sell but just for my own body. (I quickly switched from that to quilting and was heavily into quilting for many years before switching back to garment sewing with indie designers and PDF patterns, which is most of my sewing these days.) I wanted a cutting table that would allow me to draft, store the supplies needed for drafting, cut, store the supplies needed for cutting, and would be versatile and mobile because my craftroom was also our spare room and we were living 8 hours from family then and would have guests fairly often. I also wanted it to fit the 24x36” cutting mat, I wanted to be able to remove that and replace it with a pressing board to press on it, and I wanted it the right height for my short self. And so my first cutting table was born!
(Shown below is the old cutting table, sitting on our driveway, at the end of it’s life with me, another sewist has her now!)
Moving several times plus kids had worn the old girl out a bit and a lot of things have changed in 10 years, including Robert’s woodworking skills and the way I use my cutting table. So, after a lot of discussion of how I use it and what I’d like different about a new version, Robert designed and built a new-and-improved cutting table specifically for pattern projecting!
Just ignore the mess on the left please.
I am SO EXCITED to say it ticks ALL the boxes! The size, the height, the storage, the space for a projector, it’s ALL there!
You can have one, as well! Robert not only builds custom furniture, but he also makes and sells plans for other woodworkers. You can buy plans for the cutting table here. They are $20 and Robert has several supporting videos to make sure woodworkers of all levels (yes, even beginners!) can make this pattern projecting cutting table.
If you would rather have a highly skilled woodworker make your cutting table for you, Robert will be taking custom orders at his website. He said prices would begin at $2300 with customizations, finishing, and shipping added.
But that’s not all!!!
Did you spot that UST mount? You can have one of those, too! Robert is not currently offering these for sale BUT you can buy the plans to make your own for only $5 right here! And this one anyone can make! I will be releasing a video in the near future making this with limited woodworking skills and limited tools. If you can follow a sewing pattern, you can follow the plans for this UST mount. (Of course, making that will mean I have a serious surplus of UST mounts, so stick around for what I plan to do with the extras.)
Check out the video below to see an in-depth dive into my new table and mount and click the links to get your own!