Interview with a Designer

This week’s video is a Zoom interview with my friend, Cathleen. It launches 4/25 at 1:30 Central time. If her face and voice are familiar, she’s done a swap with me, we host The Small Business Sewing Podcast together, and she has her own YouTube channel, Sunny Mountain Patterns. However, her main focus is not the podcast or the YouTube channel! She is a mom, has a 9-5 job, is pattern designer, and has created a course for other pattern designers wanting to make projector files. She’s a busy lady! I’m very grateful she took the time to do this with us.

I posted on my Facebook page and on the Projectors for sewing Facebook group, asking for questions for pattern designers. There were quite a few, many variants of “why don’t designers include {insert feature here}?”, questions about how designers choose sizing, how the process of designing works, and some more projector-specific designing questions.

So Cathleen kindly took us through the whole process of how you design a pattern, how designers make patterns digitally, and what designers should be looking for if they are making projector files! There’s so much more that goes into it than I ever could’ve guessed…and I knew it wasn’t a quick process.

It was fascinating to know how things work from a designer’s perspective. And, designers, there is information for you, too! At the end, we talked about what projector sewers really need in a pattern. You can find more info in this video Cathleen made on her channel and even more in her course for designers. You can also find her Facebook group for pattern designers here.

If you’re looking for an excellent projector file, she has great ones! I did a review for her on her channel and you can see just how amazing they are. If you want an awesome pattern for yourself, find them here. And if you want to watch the interview, you can do that right here:

Personal life note, if everything goes to plan, we are moving next month! I should have enough content ready to go to get May videos out and I hope to stay on track for June but I’m gonna cut myself a whole lot of slack as we move! Also in May, we will hit the one year anniversary of the Dailey Sews & Stuff channel! May 11, 2020 is when my first video launched. Since that’s smack in the middle of crunch time for packing, we won’t have a celebration. But, hopefully, we will be celebrating 4,000 hours at the end of June! We’ve got the interactive pen video and giveaway coming up around that time to celebrate the monetization of the channel AND that will mean I move forward with the plan to buy yet another projector for some videos and another giveaway in the fall!

Thank you all for your support! See you next time, friends,



Calibration: How close is close enough?


PDF Stitcher Part III: